Thursday, June 24, 2010

Rebecca 1; Bunnies 0

So last night's run was the first time that I had to muster up the motivation to go, then on the run had to the entire time continue to motivate myself. I find the first leg of the run particularly hard and a little boring now, so perhaps a change in running scenery to get me up and going again?

This was also the very first run that I did move up a step in my plan I maintained my effort from Monday night, which was to run for 5 minutes, walk for 1:30 and so on for 5.62 miles. I thought if I maintained that, then maybe to push myself I'd add on the extra mile to make it to 10K... not so. Just couldn't get there mentally last night, I still enjoyed the run, but not as much as I had been previously, because previously I had been making leaps and great strides, pushing harder and better and longer EACH DAY. Now my progress has slowed, I think a natural part of my training, but it is mentally tough. I can't blog about how I ran so much more in time, or ran so much farther than before, that is disappointing, but I should focus on how far I've come, so quickly.

I think what I would like to do is really push to run that 6.26 miles to make it 10K, not run the whole way, but just last that long. Use my 5 minutes running 1:30 walking and add on that extra mile. I really think I can do it, I'm just not that excited about it this time around. Then once that I have done that, I really need to concentrate on training just for a 5K, I feel like knowing I can complete 10K in one session, that will be a big achievement for me so that 5K won't seem so ominous.

I run across more and more bunnies each time I run the trail behind my neighborhood, hence the title. Yesterday it was like 7 bunnies, they are multiplying, like, well, bunnies!! If I wasn't so focused on not dying or crunching my knees due to the sheer weight of my huge ass running on them, I might stop to admire those docile bunnies and their fluffy white tails, but if they continue to run across my path, my knees won't be the only thing I crush.

Tonight my strategy is to have my ipod fully charged, Paul's Palm Pre ready to go measuring my total distance and to go to the Arboretum and complete the 2.45 total distance of the track 2.5 times. I'm kinda ok with doing 5 minutes running, but maybe I should do 6 minutes running, 1:30 walking. Try to move up one minute every two days. Slow progression has helped me a lot and I think that has also helped with me being able to feel like I have made large accomplishments and made strides in my training.

I do want to mention that though I was consistent from Monday night to Wednesday night training and for the the first time "didn't add anything" I did, actually run 6:30 twice with a 1:30 walk in between, i simply HAD to bargain with myself, that horrendous hill at the top of town branch I still cannot bring myself to run up, so I promised myself that I would run to near half way up, beyond my 5 minute mark and then let myself finish to the top by walking, but the deal was I still had to push myself. It worked...

That's how i push myself, I eyeball an end point, then I bargain with myself as I get closer and closer to push the end point farther and farther. That's how I added on the extra mile, running that 1/2 mile back to walk home is easy, mentally, I've just GOT to stay motivated. I am using the hell out of my ipod pop running playlist and vanilla ice with some britney spears and young mc is getting a little old over and over. Time to get me some new music to run to! That's next.

I have officially sent in mine (and Andrea's) application for the 5K Great Buffalo Chase at Buffalo Trace. looks like a fun first 5K, I'm excited, my strategy to get myself extra excited about it, I have promised to buy myself that cute purple exercise top at Target and a new pair of exercise pants that go just below the knee. If I keep running like this, I will need to purchase a new pair of shoes, those really make all the difference!

I am also thrilled that Andrea is running too, now, we don't need to take over the running world, but having someone who just also knows the difficulty, the challenges, is very comforting and motivating. For the first time, I really don't feel competitive with Andrea (maybe I have just grown up), also that came out bad, I don't feel competitive with a friend for the first time. ANYONE I would always get competitive with and this time, it's really about a goal and enjoying that goal and the fact that I get to do that and enjoy it with a great friend is just gravy. Not kicking someone's ass.

1 comment:

  1. Laughing... just thought I'd read some of your blog and become a follower. Glad you don't feel competitive with me. :) I was worried about that when we first started running... that we'd both fall into a trap of feeling competitive, since it is in both of our nature to do so. :) But, it's a lot more fun feeling like I have a teammate instead of a competitor to run with. :) Few more days...
