Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Pleasantly Surprised

So today I ran approximately 5 miles in about 40 minutes. Now I run/walk at this point since I just got started a week ago but I am suitably impressed with the progress. It hurts, don't get me wrong, to push myself, but it feels good when I get home and I have recovered after saying I'm gonna die about 20 times.

For the 5 miles I ran 1:30 and walked 1:30 or less, only one break coming up a large hill after running for 1:45. This after only 4 work outs ago running 30 seconds and walking 2 minutes I thought was HEAVY! BUT I am in slight disbelief about how this "progressively" adding a few seconds/minutes each week or workout actually works.

I'd love to think that I could run almost all 5 miles without totally passing out.
I'm going to look at doing a 5K race sometime in July, maybe continue and do a few more, I would LOVE to finish 5 miles in 30 minutes, but maybe that is out of my league! High aspirations I have, young grasshopper.

Joseph is seeing me get my work out clothes on and wants to go for a run, I really wish he could, looks like he has a good set of legs on him ( he ran for about 30 seconds the other day and then some more) without, it seemed, breathing problems or really any complaints, so I hope he gets to grow up knowing exercise and wants to do activity like running or cycling, sports etc.... I'd just love that. He can play any sport he wants to as long as it's Tennis. LOL! Kinda sorta true - it's a gentlemen's sport and he is a little gentleman!

Last night Joseph did ANOTHER cool thing, it's kinda funny this, being his "THIRD" year has been so funny, he is so surprising with his language. He holds conversations, starts them and asking intriguing questions, I am so impressed. Last night he picked up my season 2 DVD of Flight of the Conchords and asked to watch "the sugar lumps, please mommy". That is SO COOL. He loves that song, he knows MOST of the words as I play it all the time and it is on Josephs TRL list EVERDAY when we are in the car. I still do also like him to listen to kid music, I don't want him totally grown up just yet, so a few more party in my tummies and big red cars are ok with me!

Maybe if I could keep up this exercising/running/5K plan, read a few more books and make a few more sock monsters or ugly maminals, whilst still achieving my summer time goals like going places and doing more fun things, taking advantage of the free things the Lexington Community offers, I'll feel good about mostly everything!

If I fill my weeks and days up with lots of activities I feel so overwhelemed sometimes and can lose track of important things at work, but sometimes it feels so fulfilling to be so busy and get so much accomplished, like I am actually taking advantage of life and trying to squeeze every moment out of it. Then sometimes I just need to do NOTHING, come home, sit on the couch and watch re-runs of Family Guy. That can give me a bout of the guilts when I think about it, but it is good to just tune out and go numb sometimes, I just don't want to waste away like that, doing nothing all the time. What is this I'm searching for? OH THAT'S RIGHT, a happy balance! Isn't that what everyone wants? Always looking for that happy balance, at least I am trying and that, for now has got to make me feel pretty good about things.

Peace out.

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