Sunday, June 20, 2010

An ordinary day

Saturday Joseph and I head out to destination unknown and adventures unsure because Paul is laying hardwood flooring in the dining room and we just need to be gone out of the house.
We go to Joseph Beth Bookstore where I know local author is signing books "Daddy calls me Doodlebug" JD Lester so we go to the kids area and make art (Joseph LOVES making art and loves to call it making art because that is how Yo Gabba Gabba talks about it).
We make a crown for Daddy so he can be King on Father's Day. Lots of green shapes, a couple of stickers and some paper shapes to finish it off!
Joseph gets "Daddy calls me Doodlebug" autographed and meets the author, we talk about how authors are people who write books and he seems to understand quite well. She writes "For Joseph, who is adorable and sweet. Love JD Lester." So cool.
We walk around the kids area for about another hour as Joseph sees everything and says "COOL MOMMY LOOK AT THIS!" EVERYTHING.
We end up leaving to go upstairs to have lunch in the cafe with a clown whistle (which within 2 hours of getting home Daddy says he is going to break), a Yo Gabba Gabba play set, new music for the car (putamayo kids, I love those compilations from around the world) the crown we made Daddy and $36 less in my bank account.

We had lunch at the cafe, for the most part Joseph was behaved though he has been finding chopsticks, forks ANYTHING that resembles drumsticks and using everything as his drums. Even a waitress commented on how musical he was being. The Quiche was THE BEST I have ever had there and I always get the quiche, to say how good it was, it didn't even have mushrooms in it and I tried to buy a whole one to take home.

We leave JBs with the promise of going to Guitar Center to play on the drums, but unexpectedly we stop off at Old Navy and what a day to do so! Apparently they are launching a new look and had cotton candy, free balloons, popcorn, food and lots more to do. We had fun shopping for daddy and picked up a "there's a new sherrif in town" Woody T shirt for Joseph to wear when we go and see Toy Story 3 next week. Another $70 less in my bank account we move to Guitar Center.

This about the 10th time we have taken Joseph there and everytime it is the same experience, Joseph knows exactly where he is and all the potential music that is around him. He is in awe and wants to immediatly pick up something to start making music. We head directly to the drum set area where the sales kid is playing the electronic set and gets off to hand it to Joseph. Immediately Joseph grabs the damaged and worn (so much it seems a dog has chewed on them) drum sticks and raises them above his head and claps them together "1,2,3,4!" and starts drumming. He continues to make all kinds of rhythms and gets carried away for another 1/2 hour as I intermittently chirp in "be gentle, not so hard" before we can see a serious drummer actually wanting to sample the goods.

Joseph is pained to leave the drum area and wants to stay at the "Rock Band House" - a term he came up with on the spot, which I totally love. This infuses my love to Guitar Hero/Rock Band that Joseph has been subjected to since he was born and actual REAL MUSIC. We vow to come back and visit the Rock Band House again, very soon. I quitely make an inquiry to find out if they sell Junior Drum Sets (which I have been secretly window shopping for online) knowing that I could spend $200 - $300 and it would be a present that Joseph would totally love but Paul could divorce me for, a bet worth taking. We have a tiny house, no room for a drum set, but I know it would just thrill Joseph and nurture his love of music, he has FANTASTIC rhythm for a 3 year old so drumming is very fitting. Of course I plan to expose him to many other instruments anything he wants he can play, but he has just made an obvious tangent over to drums.

Rock Band house was the last stop before Joseph and I go to Lowes to pick up some glue for Paul on the way home, he passes out sitting up in the shopping cart, with his rock star sunglasses on, possibly the future look of a rock star after a hard night of partying.

What a fantastic day, we come home to chill in the living room so I can make a new fabric monster and he can watch wonderpets. Joseph knows the theme song to Wonderpets and it is just so cute, I love to hear him sing it. He loves songs, loves music and I hope he continues to long into adulthood.

I call Joseph a "punk" when he is pissing me off or acting bad, then I call him a "punk rock star" or my "rock star" other times (many more of those times). We are weary coming home that day, but doesn't stop my rock star from picking up his plastic toy guitar and rocking out all afternoon.

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