Thursday, June 2, 2011

Creativity and Crazy

Captain Random strikes again... you've been warned.
It's the same concept as to when you refer to someone as eccentric or crazy, if someone is rich, they're eccentric, if someone is poor, they're crazy.  If you know me, I'm crazy, if you don't, I'm still probably crazy, but I prefer to be classified as "creative".  I have a creative energy that I can't ignore.  See, I know it's a SIDE of my brain, but I haven't taken the time to google WHICH side of the brain it is, so I am going to just blurt out that the left side of my brain needs over stimulation compared to my right side, which probably holds such non-necessary functions as motor coordination and math skills.  I have skillz, but they certainly have nothing to do with a hypotenuse or anything google can't fix.

I need to be creative, it's in me and it has to get out.  I also like to rant, so the bloggersphere is the perfect ramblings outlet someone like me can indulge random trespassers and family members that need only one more reason to avoid me at the next family function.

One of the brilliant aspects of having an "energetic mind" as my self therapist once told me, is that creativity can hit at any moment, at any time, in short bursts or so much at a time you can't contain it all and wish you had five mouths and 8 hands to jot every cool idea you thought you had down at once.  Sounds a lot like manic depression..?  It probably is.  When I'm not creative, I'm not and I'm SOOO lazy, BUT, when I am creative I could live off that energy for hours, forget a lunch or two and wake up the next day with a mental hangover wondering what I did the night before, only to find random scribblings on post it notes and back of receipts that my brain tried to make sense of before the pig latin handwriting sped off 10 miles ahead of my thought process.  It's also like a hangover, "Why did I do that?", or you get a call from a friend, "Dude, what was the sh*t you were rambling to me last night about some great idea?  you sounded wasted!"  Wasted on Creativity or Crazy, depending on how you look at it.  Creativity can also give you the high/energy drive you think you needed to call an ex or try to patch up that friendship you thought you needed to at that time when you were happily in a creative "high".  Again, like everything drunk, including driving, it's a BAD idea.  Don't be creative while driving either, it's DANGEROUS!  I've one too many times narrowly avoided starting a massive 10 car pile up because I've been scrambling to write on my steering wheel on the back of a receipt, while talking to my mother on the phone.  Thank God for my Dragon dictation app, iphones and apps help overly "energetic" brains like mine, in the moments of dire need, release their creativity and communicate it in a semi-understandable way, so I can record my thoughts and text, facebook, email or skype myself with that information and make sense of it later when I'm not driving the wrong way down a one way street.

Sometimes creativity works out just right, the planets align and all that positive energy goes into something you and others can enjoy.  I've wanted to post this video for a while, and today, with all this energy to get out, seemed like the best day to do it.  Another 2am idea, scribbled down, worked out later sober and communicated to a team to execute.  I even made an appearance in the promo.  I didn't look too fat that day either, nice!

WARNING from the Surgeon General:  Creativity can strike at any moment, don't be in the way when it does, you might leave a little more crazy than before.

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