Well, of course I still am, and yes, I, of course, am the first to know the answer to that question. But, as I feel like I have dragged out this pregnancy for not only my immediate family, but for everyone around me, now that we are 5.5 days out from the due date, it's so close, the question I get is "Are you still pregnant?" "Has that baby come out yet?". No, not yet.
I can't BELIEVE how close this baby is cutting it. However, with that said, this baby and the impending birth has been pretty textbook, just like Joseph. All the signs and symptoms of labor have been completed, without the actual onset of labor, just like Joseph. I'm more uncomfortable and there's definitely more pain with this one, but in terms of how I feel like it will go, I feel like it will go just like Joseph did. Later in the evening, there will be some "pressure" and we will wake up in the middle of the night ready to go. I really don't think that even though this is the second one, that the labor will be any quicker or easier than the first. I bet it's the same. Certainly feels like it!
5 days out and now, I'm wondering if July 2nd will come and go? At the same time, I'm wondering if only mere hours or days away the baby will come before. Guessing games are the worst. I hated 20 questions and I never really cared for "Guess Who?". Battleship, was also frustrating.
I have, in a panicked desire, have tried to put together some sort of "plan" that can be blown to smitherines, on option A) Baby arrives this week, before July 2nd and option B) Baby arrives on July 2nd and option C) Baby arrives after July 2nd and at that point I don't really wanna just hang out and look at squeezing out a watermelon instead of a larger canteloupe.
Now, every little pang that happens gets scrutinized, what's this? Is this leading to something? Is this when we have the baby? Everyday, like today, Hmm, a birthday on June 26th, a Sunday, I like that even date, sounds like a good day to have a birthday. June 27th, a Monday, hmmm, I hate Monday's, I don't want this kid on a Monday, or June 27th, I don't like that odd number. Then I think about the 28th through the 1st and think how painfully close that is to the pay off that, if the baby chooses to come then I'll be shaking my head in disbelief, for years. The closest photo finish, ever.
Did I mention how prophetic I think the actual baby's due date is? Joseph's is 2.1.07, #2 would be 7.2.11, the numbers all kind of match, I didn't' realize this until recently, and that small tiny part of me that likes to sometimes believe in superstition, likes to think that these numbers are all related and it is fate for this to actually work out. It has to work out, the numbers are tied together. But as I write this, I envision June 30th, holding Baby #2 and thinking about how silly I was to even think that we might actually realistically make the 7.2 date and, regardless of numbers "matching", this baby is going to come whenever the hell it wants to.
I'm doing a lot of crazy analyzing and thinking recently, I mean, what's a gal to do in the mere days/hours leading up to an impending birth, but, over analyze every possible situation, it's implications and then blog about it?
As I get into starting this last week before the baby, my last 5 days at work until my leave is over, I need a game plan to mentally get me through another 1-6 nights of less than 4 hours of sleep, with only probably about 20-40 minutes at a time, going to work, completing whatever the hell it is that I can complete with any kind of purpose knowing that whatever it is I try to staret/complete may have to be ditched at any moment and activities to occupy my mind throughout it all. Should we car pool this week? What's for lunch? How can I avoid stress? Do I have everything packed? What if it happens all of a sudden, too fast, we haven't brought our stuff to the hospital and we didn't get a chance to call people and the baby has arrived? Did I leave my car at work?
I need a game plan, badly.
Option A) Baby arrives this week, before July 2nd.
Sigh. It was bound to happen, just accept it, I won't get to finish out the work week, I'm sure there will be two or three major projects left unfinished, and I of course, miss the payout. That seems most logical and likely. Good news is I won't get to finish out the work week, which, I am for the most part, dreading. I am obviously needing some kind of daily rewards or mini milestones to mentally staying positive and working towards the end of the week....
Option B) Baby arrives on July 2nd. Friday, I leave work early, schedule a massage, mani and a pedi, arrive home high-fiving Mr. and Miniature Mr. Price, congratulating myself and my baby for being so well behaved and making the deadline and then spending all Saturday trying to induce labor, because the "dates and numbers match all so well" and at that point, having a baby any time is perfect, I'm ready physically and mentally (as much as I can be for #2).
Option C) Baby arrives after July 2nd. WTF? Surely anytime after the 2nd or the third is completely unlikely? Who actually thought I would get here? Not me, not anyone. My midwife can induce on July 4th, but I really don't want a July 4th baby, sorry America, but I really don't care for an independence day birthday at all. So what then? I go back to work on Tuesday after the Monday and work in a "middle earth/limbo" situation? No thanks. Looking at anything other than a naturally happening labor doesn't sound like something I will have to run into, but it's hilarious I'm here thinking about it anyway. Option C is definitely a "we will cross that bridge when we come to it" situation. Likelihood = slim to none.
A) B) or C). Worst Multiple choice test ever. B is a win, but any answer is correct.