Monday, October 18, 2010

I like Kung Fu.

I like Kung Fu, I like it a lot more than anyone realizes. I used to have "Kung Fu Friday's" and watch Kung Fu movies (all of course in Mandarin Chinese with only English subtitles on). If you are going to be a good young grasshopper, to get the true meaning of Kung Fu movies one can only watch and listen in true Mandarin, but in turn, through training, you will hear the meaning. (Yes, that was my deepest Kung Fu Master impression..., you're welcome). The part in "Office Space" which is rather like a documentary than a movie, where Jennifer Aniston says she likes Kung Fu, I was pissed, because I LIKE KUNG FU. Nobody THAT cute likes Kung Fu, chicks about my average looks like Kung fu, don't ruin it for the rest of us, Brad dumped you, so don't get ahead of yourself there sweety.

I want to reinstate Kung Fu Fridays. I don't walk around with nunchucks or keep a ridiculously long sword above my mantle that I would have no idea how to use, unless my intention was to wield it mercilessly around the room while I destroyed everything within my wingspan. Nor do I have a Kimono (I know it's Japanese) or have a black belt in anything (other than kicking your mom's ass). But I like Kung Fu and I have skillz, but none that gangs want me for.

I LOVE fight scenes, especially lengthy, extended, multiple angle, slow mo fight scenes. I love things that go BOOM in the night, which probably explains my absolute giddy enjoyment at the thought of watching ANY of the "Die Hard" movies. But I like Kung Fu fight scenes. These are violent and lengthy, not ever a lot of blood, but a lot of kicking arse. It is over love, respect and honor. It's outcome is to learn a lesson in life and meaning, put perspective on what is important and to achieve a goal. Kung Fu movies are deep, but still kick a lot of arse.

There (thankfully for you) isn't a lot more to SAY about Kung Fu movies, they are a different breed of cinematic entertainment and I miss my Friday's that involved them. What have I been doing on Friday's where I haven't had time to watch a Kung Fu movie? Who knows, I'm not even sure what I had for lunch today... But like any young grasshopper that has lost her way, she will return to her master and redeem herself in his eyes and bow down before the century old techniques that once led her to the wise and elegant ways of Kung Fu, young grasshopper will redeem her family's honor and return to Kung Fu movies on Friday's.

"Like many things - I am nothing" - Li Mu Bai.

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